The Bright Fretboard Mastery System (FS)


The Bright Banjo Fretboard Mastery System

Ready to unlock the banjo fretboard? The Bright Banjo Mastery System is a step-by-step sequence for mastering the banjo fretboard.

Learning the system will allow you to do things like, play in any key without re-tuning or use a capo, find the chords you need without having to consult or memorize chords chart, jam and improvise with other musicians (or your favorite recordings) in any genre, or jam along with you recordings of your favorite songs, and just have more fun overall with your banjo!

Just click on the first lesson below to get started!

You need to be logged in to see your course progress.

When you’re ready, go to the Bright System Jam to practice putting the system into action.